PnL Analysis
  • Fund Account
  • Standard Futures
  • USDⓢ-M Perp
  • Coin-M Perp
Total Asset Value ()
*Currently, the data only counts USDT-M Standard Futures and doesn't include Coin-M Standard Futures.
Today's PnL
7D Cumulative PnL
30D Cumulative PnL
PnL Calendar
No data available
PnL Analysis
Last 7D
Last 30D
Last 90D
Total Profit
Profit Days
Avg. Daily Profit
Total Loss
Loss Days
Avg. Daily Loss
Net PnL
Win Ratio
PnL Ratio
1. The statistics are based on UTC+8 time and are maintained from 00:00 to 02:00. During the maintenance, there might be an error in displayed statistics. Please check them after the maintenance is completed.
2. The PnL data has deducted the transaction cost including trading fees, funding fees, forced liquidation costs, etc., and doesn't include profits generated from Bonuses.
3. The PnL analysis at the account level includes PnL and fees generated from trading, and unrealized PnL incurred from exchange rate fluctuations of held assets, which are converted to USDT for account PnL analysis.
4. There may be a calculation error or delay due to data complexity and exchange rate fluctuations. The data is reference only. Thank you for your understanding.