Watch the video to learn all about BingX Wealth!
This video is for demonstration purposes only. Actual transactions may be subject to market conditions and platform rules.


1. What is the meaning of APR in Wealth products?
The APR of financial products is an annualized rate derived by extrapolating the product's intrinsic return over a one-year period.

2. How is the interest for flexible-term products calculated?
The flexible-term interest rate is not a fixed value. It changes dynamically every minute based on market conditions. The interest calculation for the flexible-term depends on the rate per hour. The interest generated each hour within a day will be summed up and accumulated in your wealth assets.

3. How is the interest for fixed-term products calculated?
Fixed-term interest is estimated by averaging the total earnings after maturity over each day. This is reflected in the valuation of your wealth account. For example, if you purchase a 90-day fixed-term product for 100 USDT with APR of 6.75%, the expected interest earnings at maturity would be: 100 * 6.75% / 365 * 90 = 1.66 USDT.

4. Why haven't I received the flexible-term interest yet?
The flexible-term interest is automatically reinvested and used as the principal for the next period's interest calculation. As a result, it won't be directly credited to your fund account but will be reflected in the valuation of your wealth account. When you initiate a redemption, the flexible-term interest will be credited to your fund account.

5. Why haven't I received my fixed-term interest yet?
Fixed-term interest will only be automatically redeemed to your fund account upon the maturity of the term. Before then, the fixed-term interest is estimated by averaging the total earnings after maturity into daily returns, which will reflect in the valuation of your financial account.

6. Why is the flexible-term APR not fixed?
Market conditions change in real-time, and the capital utilization rate differs every hour. Therefore, the flexible-term APR isn't fixed. Rather, it's a constantly changing value.


Learn More:

BingX Wealth Introduction