Verification Status
Daily Deposit Limit
Monthly Deposit Limit
24h Max. Withdrawal
Fiat Currency
20,000 USDT
Basic KYC
5,000 USDT
50,000 USDT
20,000 USDT
Advanced KYC
5,000,000 USDT
Your deposit will not be credited if you exceed the daily or monthly deposit limit. You can resolve it with the following methods:
Method 2: Refund via the original method.
3. Fill in the return address and required information, then submit the request.
Note: The return fee will be deducted from your Fund Account.
After you submit your refund request, the deposit record will display the "Refunding" status.When it changes to "Completed", it means your refund has been processed and the funds have been returned to the original source.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Can I continue trading after reaching the deposit limit?